
Nanographic Printing Technology: The Next Frontier In Highly Efficient Printing Technologies

Printing has certainly come a long way since the early years where prints blocks were used to the modern day technologies like Inkjet that delivers high speed and high efficiency. However, as the technologies we use become more and more advanced, we discover and invent new processes that deliver even more potential than the one before. One such technical advancement that is going to hit the world of printing in the near future is Nanographic Printing Technology. Inkjet Vs. Nanography: Which One’s For The Future?! The idea behind Nanographic printing is to use nano-pigments that offer superior image quality that the inks that we use today. Nanographic Printing Technology is said to replace Inkjet prints, which is the current standard for high-quality prints, in the near future. Now, this begs the question, why we would want to replace inkjet printers in the first place. The answer is quite obvious if you are familiar with inkjet prints. Even though they can print a variety of co...

Offset Printing Vs. Digital Printing: What’s Best For Personalization?

Even in the era of smartphones and digital interfaces, the importance and popularity of printing haven’t been overshadowed by one bit. The reason why printing is still the go-to method for better communication and interaction is that it gives a sense of presence that its digital replacementslack. However,printing is not a single method as there are many different ways printing can be done. We can trace the origin of mechanized printing back to the fifteenth century as it was when Johannes Gutenberg first invented the printing press. Years later, we have developed technologies that can print out materials faster and more efficiently. While on the subject of printing, one can realizethat there is a huge debate that goes on whether go for digital or offset printing. Both dothe same job,but when we get into the details of how they do it, the differentiation is clear. Let’s have a look at the most used method of printing first - Offset Printing. What Is Offset Printing and Why Is It So...